The Three P's of Anxiety: Pray, Pause, and Praise

Pastor Kyle Veach

In today's fast-paced world, anxiety has become an unwelcome companion for many of us. It's a burden that weighs on our hearts and minds, often leaving us feeling helpless. There's a biblical prescription for dealing with anxiety that revolves around three essential actions: Pray, Pause, and Praise. In this blog post based on Pastor Kyle Veach’s message, we'll dive deep into these three P's of Anxiety and explore how they align with the teachings of the Bible. Click the link above for the full message.

The Power of “Prayer”

Prayer is not just a religious ritual; it's a powerful tool that can help us combat anxiety. The Bible teaches us that we should "cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). Here, we see that anxiety is not a sin but a signal, prompting us to turn to God in prayer.

How Prayer Changes Everything

Prayer is not merely a way to communicate with God; it's a transformative process that can change our lives. Dr. Carolyn Leaf's research suggests that just 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over eight weeks can rewire our brains. When we pray, we not only touch the heart of God but also change the chemistry of our minds. Add prayer to your daily routine and you will begin to notice a difference in your connectivity with God.

But, Our Eyes Are on You

In times of anxiety, it's crucial to fix our eyes on God. Jehoshaphat, facing an overwhelming enemy, declared, "Our eyes are on you" (2 Chronicles 20:12). Our focus should shift from the problem to the One who can solve it. When we fix our gaze on God, we acknowledge that He is in control.

The Value of “Pause”

In our action-oriented society, taking a pause can feel counterintuitive. However, the Bible reminds us, "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Pausing is not a punishment; it's a moment to gain guidance and clarity.

Don't Just Do Something; Stand There!

Jehoshaphat faced a formidable enemy, but instead of rushing into action, he paused. Sometimes, we need to stop talking, worrying, or trying to fix everything ourselves. Pause and allow God to work. It's during these moments of stillness that we often hear His voice most clearly.

Rewiring Your Thought Patterns

Anxiety often stems from dwelling on negative thoughts. Instead of meditating on fear and worry, choose to meditate on the Word of God. Retrain your brain through cognitive behavioral therapy, prayer, and scripture. Be intentional about where you focus your thoughts.

The Beauty of “Praise”

Praising God in the midst of anxiety may seem paradoxical, but it's a powerful act of faith. Jehoshaphat sent a worship team ahead of his army, praising God before the battle had even begun.

Praise Before Victory

Don't wait for your anxiety to disappear before you praise. Praise God in the midst of your struggles, just as Jehoshaphat did. When you praise God before the victory, you release a spiritual force that can change the outcome of your situation.

Sending Worship, Not Worry

Are you sending armies to your battles or worship teams? Often, we try to tackle our anxieties with our own efforts, but we should be sending worship to the forefront. Worship shifts the focus from our problems to the greatness of our God.

Conclusion: Finding Peace Amid Anxiety

In your journey to conquer anxiety, remember the three P's: Pray, Pause, and Praise. These biblical principles are your roadmap to finding peace amidst the chaos. When anxiety strikes, turn to prayer. Pause and allow God to guide your steps, and never underestimate the power of praise. Turn on some worship music and begin to sing about God’s goodness.

So, in the face of anxiety, be like Jehoshaphat, who trusted in God's faithfulness and saw the enemy defeated without lifting a sword. Embrace the three P's, and you'll discover the peace that surpasses all understanding.


Further Reading

If you're looking to dive deeper into the topic of anxiety and faith, consider these resources:

  1. Overcoming Anxiety Through Faith

  2. The Healing Power of Prayer

Other Links

  • Check out this past View Church teaching on Mental Health from 2020 in a series called “You Asked For It”

  • Remember, you are not alone in your struggles, and God cares for you. Through prayer, pause, and praise, you can find strength and peace even in the midst of anxiety. Check out our Resources Page on our View Church Website

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational and inspirational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health issues.


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